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Armies on Parade 2024 – Submissions Are Open

We saw it in the runes, that a date would come when thousands of people around the world would start sending us their glorious Armies on Parade entries, and just as it was foretold so it has come to be.

You now have until the 7th of October to enter your work into this year’s Armies on Parade contest via email – that’s just over two weeks to highlight those final edges, cross the inquisitorial Is, and delicately apply those last few tufts to your board.


You can also enter at your local Warhammer store – just make sure to ask your store manager about their own submission dates. There are special prizes you can only earn by entering in a store: gold, silver, and bronze medals for each category, and participation pins for everyone else.


Winners in each of the online categories will also get a trophy commemorating their achievement plus a Combat Patrol, Spearhead, or Starter Box equivalent of their choice. 

Warhammer Community graphic wrangler, image designer, and all round hobby Exarch Joel is entering the Staff category this year with his Kroot – and he’s been tracking his progress. 

Joel: Earlier this year I started painting up the new Kroot Army Box and thought it would be a great little force to expand on and enter the competition with. I’ve been painting bits here and there across the past few months, while also thinking about potential ideas for display boards.

AoP Subs Sept20 Joel1

With about three weeks to go I realised the deadline was approaching faster than I’d planned, so I frantically gathered some MDF, foam, and a terrain piece I’ve been wanting to make use of for a while (and quite a lot of tufts!). Using these I was able to put together something simple yet effective to show off my Kroot. It was a challenge getting the board to match the bases, something I maybe should have considered earlier, but it’s certainly fun getting to drybrush a two foot square with a big, chunky brush. 

I’m now just trying to quickly paint up my last two miniatures for the board, and then it will be complete. I best get a move on with this, but in the meantime I can show a small snapshot of what is finished.

AoP Subs Sept20 Joel2

Cheers for the update Joel! If you’re in a similar position and adding last-minute touches to your own projects, why not check out last night’s special Hang Out and Paint livestream? There’s advice from the experts on how to get over the finish line in time, and a catch up on what they’ve been getting up to.

AoP Update Sept03 HO&P

Entering online is easy: send an email full of photos of your completed project to Armies on Parade at, making sure your submission meets all of the terms and conditions. You have until Monday 7th October 2024 to get your entries in, so don’t miss out!

You can find your local store for an in-person entry with the Store Finder.

AoP KeyDates Aug15 Masthead