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Chaos Kill Teams – Let the Galaxy Burn

The myriad forces of Chaos – be they mutants, cultists, or traitors – want nothing more than to grind the Imperium under their boots, hooves, and other assorted appendages. 

We will save the Heretic Astartes for another day, but worshippers of the dark gods are deployed across the galaxy by corrupt warlords and mad demagogues, gnawing away at the domain of the Corpse-Emperor from within.

Every faction in the new edition of Kill Team has its own Faction Rules, Equipment, and a range of Ploys that create a unique playstyle. Throwing caution to the wind and carving demented sigils on every surface within reach, we’ve summoned a tutelary for a glimpse at how these kill teams will enact their masters’ plans.*

KT Chaos Sept11 Bloodedintro

The soldiers of the Astra Militarum are susceptible to honeyed promises of untold power and glory. Those who defect and live to tell the tale become Traitor Guard, whose veterans are known as the Blooded. A dark mirror of the Imperial Guard, they throw themselves into battle to earn the favour of their gods, even if it is through violent self-sacrifice.

KT Chaos Sept11 BloodedRules

When enemies and allies alike are incapacitated, the Blooded earn tokens which confer ACCURATE 1. When enough glory is accrued, they attract the Gaze of the Gods, fighting even more furiously.

They daub their weapons and armour with Symbols of Bloody Worship which reknit wounded flesh when an operative wounds an enemy. Traitors through and through, in their Bitter Demise they continue to lash out in hatred.

KT Chaos Sept11 BloodedEquipment

Booded kill teams are made even more fearsome by Traitor Ogryn. Twisted by Chaos, they are an Avalanche of Muscle – though their raw power is tempered by their Slow-witted nature, which makes them unreliable when executing crucial objectives.

KT Chaos Sept11 BloodedCard

KT Chaos Sept11 Fellgorintro

Beastmen congregate on the outskirts of civilisation in herd communities led by Felgor Ravagers. These are veterans of countless raids blessed by Ruinous Powers with numerous gifts, who bray bestial war cries as they destroy their foes in inhuman displays of strength.

KT Chaos Sept11 FellgorRules

They wear little in the way of armour, and instead channel the pain suffered in combat into a state of Frenzy. Even when critically wounded they will continue to fight, until their adrenaline runs out or a brave opponent puts them down for good.

Their War Paint emboldens them to the point of ignoring flesh wounds, and their Violent Temperament causes them to attack their foes with reckless abandon.

KT Chaos Sept11 FellgorEquipment

Already delirious with rage, the Fellgor Ravagers are goaded yet more by the presence of a Deathknell. Their War Gong helps shrug off grievous wounds, each dolorous Gong Knell drawing upon abominable power and allowing them to ignore PIERCING weapons.

KT Chaos Sept11 FellgorCard

KT Chaos Sept11 CultIntro

Life in the Imperium is abject misery, a rough existence served under blackened skies. It is no wonder that Chaos Cults foster under such dire circumstances, as demagogues turn civilians with the promise of power. This strength manifests in terrifying mutations, which twist and reshape flesh into hideous new forms, as effective as it is unpredictable.

KT Chaos Sept11 CultRules

The Chaos Cult can draw on empyric power through ritual powers or blood sacrifice, mutating into a horrendous new form. These twisted creatures can mutate further and become Torments, abominations of flesh that rampage across the killzone even as their flesh shifts.

When the first mutation occurs, a primary Accursed Gift is chosen from which all future mutations benefit, and when the first Torment emerges, a second gift is chosen for all future Torments. There are six possible gifts, such as Chitinous armour, and powerful Sinewed limbs.

KT Chaos Sept11 CultRules2

Cultists with the knowledge of Baleful Script are able to shift the nature of these gifts by beseeching their dark powers. Through Exaltation in Pain the transient flesh of operatives can be rendered temporarily immune to damage.

KT Chaos Sept11 CultEquipment

Chaos Cults are led by a Dark Commune, which always includes a pair of Blessed Blade operatives, sombre bodyguards Attuned in Purpose to act in uncanny synchronicity. Should a foe attempt to escape, they will use their commune blades to Cut Them Down.

KT Chaos Sept11 CultCard

There are still more kill teams to preview this week: we’ll look at the rest of the Xenos tomorrow, followed by Space Marines on Friday – both those who fight for the Imperium and for Chaos.

* The Warpcoven and Gellerpox will also all have free online rules for the new edition.

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